It's the day after Thanksgiving but I haven't quite finished thanking people yet. Yesterday I talked quite a bit about the awesome financial base my parents provided me today I want to focus on the people that inspire me. It took an army of people to get me fired up about life and simply put: without these people I wouldn't be where I am now.
People Who Inspire Me
Paula Ganyard – Paula hired me as a student web developer my junior year of college. I learned how visual the web was and how easy it was to program in HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.
Noah Settersten – During my student web developer job I was metored by Noah. He was incredibly patient with me as I learned the ropes. He was smart and taught me step by step. First HTML, then CSS, then JavaScript, and finally some ASP. I really appreciate this learning style and I picked up the basics of everything in a couple months versus a couple of years with his help.
Eric Lightbody – Eric was the full time developer at my college and he spent an enormous part of his day mentoring me and advising me on which things were the most value to know and the best resources to learn about them. I remember several hour long conversations we had talking about web development and the best practices and all of this was hugely helpful.
Chris Schmitz – After finishing up college I wanted to continue learning and improving my skills so I joined the Web 920 meetup group and met Chris. Both of us were very green and even though we both knew very little we shared what we did know with each other and learned a ton.
Elliot Christienson – Elliot is one of the organizers for the Web 920 meetup group and is so inspiring. He placed a lot of confidence in me and encouraged me to share what I knew at the group. A little nudging from him got me out of my shell.
Getting out of the Gates
These people were the people that got me out of the gates. I met so many inspirational people after that but these five got it all started. I spent the last 9 years in Green Bay Wisconsin, not exactly the most tech friendly place, and with the help from these people accomplished some things I'm really proud of.
If you're just getting into web development find people that can mentor you. People that have already traveled through the course and are willing to lend a helping hand. If you've already been in the industry for a few years you don't even know how much information you have to share. Get out there and help people whenever you can. It could be online, a meetup group, at a WordCamp, or wherever. Just get out there and help someone get started because that's the most difficult part of all.
Photo credit: Giphy