I love writing code snippets, plugins, and tutorials on my site. But no matter how good you make them there will be someone who wants to change it. Unfortunately it's just not possible to customize a snippet for every single person. So for that reason I've always recommended various WordPress agencies like Codeable. But in the last couple months I've had more and more requests for custom work so I thought I'd reach out to Codeable to really get to know them so I know that I'm recommending the best service.
After chatting with Per Esbensen it's clear that the way they work is the main reason they can offer such amazing service. If you've ever through about outsourcing some of your WordPress tasks you should definitely listen to this interview and read my notes afterwards.
99/100 Tasks Are Rated 5 Stars
Amazingly, 99/100 tasks are rated 5 stars. That's a lot. Especially when people don't really understand what you're doing with your time. Part of the reason that they have such a high success rate is that they only bid on a task when they fully understand it. That means that they'll ask you to clarify the task before bidding on it.
Only 56% tasks are paid that means the other 44% of tasks are never accepted. Either the client wrote a brief that doesn't clearly describe the task or the client doesn't understand all of technical work that has to be done and they don't have a big enough budget. This may sound bad but it's actually great news. It's far better to be turned down before a task begins (and money has exchanged hands) than to get started and then figure out that your developer doesn't really know what they're doing.
BTW – if you write a bad brief they'll tell you how to write a good project brief.
WordPress Experts
Another reason they're rated so highly is that they are experts. The contractors have to pass a test to work there. You can't just signup and start bidding on projects.
They're Fast
There's 100+ experts on their team that means that when you submit a task you'll have an average wait time of 1 minute and 12 seconds before getting some feedback on your brief. After a task is clarified, bid on, and paid the time to done is 54.6 hours. That's really fast and after you've developed a report with a developer you can continue to work with that developer via Codeable.
Reach out to Codeable:
Like what you've just read here? Listen to the full 20 minute interview and reach out to them to get your WordPress tasks done.
I included some affiliate links in this post. Please note that I only recommend high quality products and it would only be for products I'd use myself or a product I'd recommend to a friend.
[…] for small customization jobs or site tweaks? Here’s a good article on why you should use Codeable from Patrick […]