Patrick's Programming Blog

Learn how to Customize WooCommerce Themes on

I'm super proud to announce my first major product after leaving Automattic. I've worked with to put out an advanced course all about WooCommerce. It's called WordPress: Customizing WooCommerce Themes.

What's in the Course

This course combines WordPress theming principles with WooCommerce hooks and e-commerce heuristics (a fancy word meaning rules of thumb – I'm an educator now I gotta show off my fancy words).

One of the best things about WooCommerce is that you can customize it in any way you can imagine to match your brand. Making your theme match the rest of your WooCommerce website can help you create a more professional and trustworthy shopping experience. You'll use WooCommerce hooks, template overrides, PHP, and CSS to style the different store pages, and add custom imagery and icons to fit your branding.

Some of topics:

The three chapters about modifying certain WooCommerce pages really get into the nitty gritty. Pretty much every lesson takes an e-commerce heuristic and I then apply it to WooCommerce.

If you follow my link to the course you can get a free 7 day trial. That will give you plenty of time to watch the whole 1.5 hour long course. 🙂

And when I say the course is 1.5 hours long understand that I spent 3 days recording it. There were lots of takes, edits, and then post production. It is 1.5 packed hours.

Here's one of the lessons:


My First Step With My Own Business

When I joined WooThemes it was a company of ~35. When I left Automattic it was close to 500. Needless to say – things were different at a company of that size. I decided to go out on my own because I thought I could have a bigger impact.

I'm really happy to be able to contribute to the WooCommerce community even if it means doing it my own way.

Now is a good time to share that I'm working with to update a lot of their e-commerce content. Some of it will be WordPress related and some of it will be other e-commerce tools like Google Analytics.

I got started in web somewhere around 2008 with I remember learning HTML, JavaScript, and CSS on Lynda. So to be teaching courses on Lynda just 8 years later is mind blowing. I'm humbled to be in this position.

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